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xov xwm

  • Impact of Brexit on the Ceramic Industry

    Kev cuam tshuam ntawm Brexit ntawm Ceramic Kev Lag Luam

    Muaj ob yam tseem ceeb uas muaj kev cuam tshuam rau UK kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb ceramic tableware kev lag luam, ib qho yog tias qhov kev pom zoo Brexit tau dhau los, thiab lwm qhov yog tias Covid 19 tseem tsis tau tso tseg.Hauv kev sib piv, qhov "tsis muaj kev pom zoo" Brexit muaj qhov cuam tshuam loj dua.Qhov ntawd...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Source the latest new dinnerware collectionas at #CantonFair 2020 October, at WWS Booth No. 3.2C33-35 D20-22

    Tau qhov twg los qhov tseeb tshiab khoom noj hmo collectionas ntawm #CantonFair 2020 Lub Kaum Hli, ntawm WWS Lub Rooj Muag Khoom No. 3.2C33-35 D20-22

    Tau qhov twg los qhov tseeb tshiab khoom noj hmo collectionas ntawm #CantonFair 2020 Lub Kaum Hli, ntawm WWS, www.wws-ceramic.com.Lub Rooj Muag Khoom No. 3.2C33-35 D20-22 6000+ cov khoom yog tos rau koj xaiv.Lub Hoobkas Muaj Peev Xwm: Pab koj daws Teeb Meem Loj Loj, WWS ib txwm ua haujlwm rau koj raws li kev ntseeg siab tableware manufactu ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Because of love, Donating love, WWS team is on the road…

    Vim Kev Hlub, Kev Hlub, WWS team is on the road…

    "Vim kev hlub yog lub zeem muag maj; vim kev hlub yog txoj kev ntseeg zoo nkauj...vim kev hlub muaj koj thiab kuv; Tsuas Hlub Kev ntseeg tias kev hlub yuav ua rau koj muaj zog; Ua kom muaj zog, koj yuav paub tias koj yog tus tshaj plaws..." Nrog lub suab nkauj ntawm kev hlub thiab tshav ntuj sov thaum sawv ntxov, WWS pab neeg pib ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Romantic Valentine’s Plate for lovers 

    Romantic Valentine's Phaj rau lovers

    Qi Qiao Jie, los yog hnub xya, feem ntau hu ua Suav Valentine's Day.Txawm hais tias qhov khoom plig txhua xyoo feem ntau cuam tshuam nrog St.Valentine's Day tsis tshwm sim, muaj ntau yam kev cai ntxim nyiam cuam tshuam nrog hnub romantic rau lovers.Keeb kwm ntawm Suav Valentine's Day Muaj ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Are you looking for A NEW Reliable Supplier for ceramic tableware?

    Puas yog koj tab tom nrhiav Tus Tshiab Txhim Kho Cov Khoom Siv rau ceramic tableware?

    The 128th Autumn Canton Fair will be held in October 2020.Are you looking for A NEW Reliable Supplier for ceramic tableware from the upcoming 128th Online/Onstie Canton Fair? Are you Overdependent On your existing supply chains?See how your business benefits. Contact us on chloecui@wellwares.com...
    Nyeem ntxiv